Home Page
Welcome to Alan Replica's official Web site. For an overall view of the site, please take a guided tour in section GUIDE.
Hi, Alan Replica speaking, this is my official web site, maintained by me, so please bear me some patience before you see the site fully operating, as I am pretty new to this technology (I am still fiddling with it..). You're welcome to send your feedbacks via the 'E-MAIL' section. Anyway, the main idea was to start rewarding fans with publishing what's going on about me, as things are moving pretty fast, and providing a contact point, so I may be reached more easily. I shall try to bring new features as soon as I build them, and try keep the news section updated on a regular basis..
Please note that all material featured in the Alan Replica official web site is protected by Copyrights.
HOME 16/12/2006 - New site skin (again).../...Also, you may reach my page here at My Space |
NEWS 06/03/2012 - Music distribution.../...24/01/2009 - New compilation & Special remix.../...27/07/2008 - Darkened status update + lyrics.../...30/03/2008 - Darkened up on Itunes.../...03/03/2008 - Darkened album is out now !.../...27/12/2007 - Darkened release status.../... 20/11/2007 - Darkened release deal.../...21/10/2007 - Darkened, now complete.../...21/07/2007 - Simulacra Radio promo tour.../...19/07/2007 - Various news.../...04/05/2007 - Simulacra reviews.../...27/01/2007 - Simulacra spreads.../... 20/12/2006 - Simulacra dashes into N#1 !.../...16/12/2006 - Simulacra album now released !.../...15/11/2006 - Simulacra album street release date !.../...16/09/2006 - Delays, delays, BUT !.../...04/06/2006 - Simulacra release date rescheduled.../... 30/05/2006 - Simulacra to be released in June.../...27/03/2006 - "Pushing The Future Vol. 2".../... 28/02/2006 - Simulacra album release.../...13/01/2006 - Reason for no news.../...14/11/2005 - Song "Simulacra" on Ninthwave sampler CD.../...29/09/2005 - Song play on Fox TV"Reunion" serials drama.../...Feedback on The Goudvishal show.../...Album "Simulacra" completed waiting distribution.../...Announcements for Album "Clockworks, Juliet" release.../... |
PRESS 30/03/2008 - More reviews of previous albums.../...16/06/2007 - People's reviews of the "SIMULACRA" album.../...17/09/2005 - Review of The Goudvishal show at Gothtronic.com.../... Reviews for the "Clockworks, Juliet" album.../... |
Q & A 'S04/06/2006 - The touring subject.../... 07/03/2006 - Questions on sounds, recording and inspirations ! .../... |
DISC03/03/2008 - Darkened (Ninthwave Records).../...16/12/2006 - Simulacra (Ninthwave Records).../...27/03/2006 - Pushing The Future Vol. 2 Sampler CD (Ninthwave Records).../... 22/01/2006 - State of Synthpop 2005 Compil' (A Different Drum).../...07/02/2006 - YAEW 2 Compil' (Yet Another Electro Website).../...15/04/2004 - Clockworks, Juliet (Ninthwave Records).../...15/07/2003 - Electricity 2 Compil' (Ninthwave Records).../... |
SONGS 13/04/2008 - New track 'This Eternal Life' from the Darkened album.../...27/12/2007 - Darkened listening post !.../...15/11/2006 - Listening post for Simulacra + Clockworks, Juliet albums.../...16/09/2006 - Simulacra listening post ! + Full tracks 'Disenchanted' and 'We're On Automatic' (from TV Serial 'Reunion') ! + Full track 'Isolation' from Clockworks, Juliet ! + Full track of new song 'Love beyond Life' from Darkened album !.../...04/06/2006 - Full length versions of 'Mary and John' and 'Simulacra' from the Simulacra album.../... 22/04/2006 - New extracts from the Simulacra album.../...13/01/2006 - New track from the Darkened sessions.../...A track from the ongoing Darkened album.../...Tracks from the Simulacra album.../...Tracks from the Clockworks, Juliet album.../... |
LYRICS 27/07/2008 - Darkened album lyrics !.../...16/09/2006 - Simulacra album lyrics ! + 'Love Beyond Life', the new extract from the Darkened album.../...22/01/2006 - extract from the Darkened album: 'Children of Millenniums'; 'Redemption'.../...extract from the Simulacra album: 'Simulacra'; 'We're On Automatic' (song from FoxTV drama serials 'Reunion').../... |
PHOTOS 13/09/2005 - Photos of The Goudvishal show, Arnhem (NL).../... |
SHOWS 10/09/2005 - Live at The Goudvishal.../... |
STORE 27/07/2008 - Darkened: download Artwork & Lyrics booklet.../...06/04/2008 - Simulacra and Clockworks, Juliet: download Artwork & Lyrics booklets.../... 30/03/2008 - Access to eStores.../...03/03/2008 - Darkened promo banner added.../...04/05/2007 - Lyric Booklets.../...16/02/2007 - Promo banners available here.../... |